Monday, April 21, 2014

Juana Álvarez Martinez: In high school I fell asleep and my friends were scratched my face , I was drooling and Spanish teacher scolded me . My colleagues took me several photos .
Daniela Ruby Castro Valadez: When I was walking with my boyfriend I fell , by bringing stilettos . People stared at me and laughed at me and also my boyfriend was teasing .
Iriann Alexandra Gpe. Ceseña Saiza: One day I wore new shoes they had given me and walked a lot , so I like cyst shoes and wore my hair and tangled me crazy winds and carts passed seemed laughing. My brothers laughed a lot from me .

Amairani Juarez Arreola:Once was with my friends watching pictures from when I was little and one of them found a picture of when I was a baby. It was very imbarrasing , he made ​​fun of me 3 months in the picture.
Yesenia : I took a bus back to my house, I will have much tired and fell asleep . I woke up one block ahead of my stop and I golpié with pipe much people make fun of me .

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