Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Yesenia Rodriguez Flores
Nicholas Sparks            
Nicholas Charles Sparks was born on december 31,1965, in Obama Nebraska,U.S.A; to patrick sparks and jill ema sparks(Née Thoene). He was the middle of three children, with an older brother, michael earl "micah" sparks and a younger sister, danielle "dana" sparks, who died at the age of 33 from a brain tumor; Sparks has said that she is the inspiration for the main character in his novel "A Walk To Remember". while still in school in 1985, he penned his first novel "The Passing". After college, Sparks sougth work with publishers or to attend law school, but was rejected in both attempts. in 1990 Sparks co-wrote whit a Billy Mills "Wokini: A Lakota Journey To Happiness And Self-Understanding" the sales for this book approximated 50 000 copies in it´s first year after release. In 1992 he began selling pharmaceuticals and in 1993 was transferred to Washington DC. It was here that he wrote another novel in his spare time "The Notebook". Two years later he was discovered by literary agent Theresa Park, who picked The Notebook out of her agency´s sluch pile, liked it and offered to represent him. the novel was published in october in 1996 and made The New York Times the best-seller list in it´s first week of release.
Sparks and wife cathy live in New Bern,North Carolina with their three sons, Miles, Ryan and Landon and twin daughters, Lexie and Savannah.

Published Works:

The Notebook (October,1996)
Message In A Bottle (April,1998)
A Walk To Remember (October,1999)
The Rescue (September,2000)                        
A Bend In The Road (September,2001)                
Nights In Rodanthe (September,2002)
The Guardian (April,2003)
The Wedding (September,2003)                              
Three Weeks With My Brother (April,2004)
True Believer (April,2005)
At First Sight (October,2005)
Dear Jonh (October,2006)
The Choice (September,2007)
The Lucky One (September,2008)
The Last Song (September,2009)
Safe Haven (September,2010)
The Best Of Me (October,2011)
The Longest Ride (September,2013)                

Why Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author?...
Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author by how he writes his books, I love romantic stories, and the stories that he write are very nice, they make you mourn but at the time reflect on some issues and end up being your favorite books, personally I like the work of Nicholas Sparks.

His most famous books are...
The Notebook, A Walk To Remember,Dear John, The Last Song, Message In A Bottle, The Lucky One,Safe Haven,Nights In Rodanthe.


Octavio Paz
Country of origin
Famous for
Octavio Paz was a Mexican writer and an excellent essayist, editor, poet, novelist and translator. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990. Was considered one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century and one of the largest Hispanic poets of all time. Su extensive work spanned various genres, including highlights poems, essays and translations.
Published works     


1933 - Luna silvestre
1938-1946 - Puerta condenada
1937 - La rama
1942 - A la orilla del mundo, (compilation)
1960 - Libertad bajo palabra, book divided into 5 sections (“Bajo tu clara sombra, Calamidades y milagros, Semillas para un himno, ¿Águila o sol? y La estación violenta”) including the poem “Piedra de sol”.
1962 - Salamandra
1966 – Blanco
1969 - La centena
1969 - Ladera este
1972 - Le singe grammairien, French translation by Claude Esteban Castilian version, "el mono gramático," appeared in 1974.
1975 - Pasado en claro
1976 - Vuelta
1979 - Poemas (1935-1975)
1987 - Árbol adentro
1989 - El fuego de cada día
1950 - El laberinto de la soledad
1956 - El arco y la lira
1957 - Las peras del olmo
1965 - Cuadrivio
1966 - Puertas al campo
1967 - Corriente alterna
1967 - Claude Levi-Strauss or el nuevo festín de Esopo
1968 - Marcel Duchamp or el castillo de la Pureza
1969 - Conjunciones y disyunciones
1969 - Posdata, continuation of El laberinto de la soledad.
1973 - El signo y el garabato
1974 - Los hijos del limo
1974 - La búsqueda del comienzo
1979 - El ogro filantrópico
1979 - In-mediaciones
1982 - Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz or las trampas de la fe
1983 - Tiempo nublado
1983 - Sombras de obras
1984 - Hombres en su siglo
1985 - Pasión crítica
1988 - Primeras letras
1990 - Pequeña crónica de grandes días
1990 - La otra voz.                                           
1991 - Convergencias
1992 - Al paso
1993 - La llama doble
1994 - Itinerario
1995 - Vislumbres de la India
1973 -Versiones y diversiones
1957 -Sendas de Oku, de Matsuo Basho.
1959 -Anthology  of Fernando Pessoa
His mother was Josefina Lozano
His aunt Amalia Paz Solórzano
His paternal grandfather, Ireneo Paz
His father , Octavio Paz Solórzano
He was married with Elena Garro , and had a daughter, laura Helena, he divorced in 1950 and in 1959 married with bona Tibertelli de Pisis,  until 1965, while I was ambassador to mexico in the india. His last wife was French marie José Tramini.
he received many awards, the most important are:
Novel prize in literature- 1990
Miguel de Cervantes Prize -1981
Great Eagle Gold (International Book Festival),- 1979
Peace Prize of the German Booksellers Trade, -1984
Prince of Asturias Award, -1993
Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor of France, -1994

Iriann Alexandra Guadalupe Ceseña Saiza...

Ibargüengoitia Jorge Antillon

( Guanajuato , Guanajuato, Mexico , January 22, 1928 - Mejorada del Campo, Madrid, November 27, 1983 ) was a Mexican writer.
Jorge Ibargüengoitia was primarily a writer with high critical sense. The humor of his stories, his novels, his plays and his articles is a fine sarcasm and salvaje.Su widowed mother married shortly after and little Jorge grew among women- her mother, her aunts , whose wishes were that engineer did.

He entered the Faculty of Engineering of the UNAM , but left it lacking two years to finish the race. In this connection he wrote: " I ​​grew up among women who adored me . They wanted engineer : they had money, they had lost and hoped that I recovered ; Faltándome two years to finish the race , I decided to leave to devote to writing.
Women who were in the house Fifteen years passed regretting this decision ; Later they got used . He then enrolled in Philosophy because he wanted to be a playwright and took the class of Dramatic Theory and Composition facing Rodolfo Usigli . Upon receipt was teaching and served as Usigli , who was appointed ambassador.

The plane crash that killed occurred in Mejorada del Campo, Madrid, in a Boeing 747 Avianca , Avianca Flight 11 was traveling Paris Charles de Gaulle - Madrid -Barajas Airport Madrid.2

I like this author

Out follow their dreams, so that became big, that does not forget its origins and it is very expressive and comic, has a good sense of humor.


Lightning August . Mexico : . . Joaquín Mortiz, 1965 Casa de las Americas Prize , 1964 The story presents the memoirs of a revolutionary leader in the early twentieth century.

Kill the lion. Mexico : Joaquin Mortiz, 1969 Based on the vicissitudes of an attack on a Latin American tyrant. .

These ruins you see. Mexico : . . Novaro , Mexico 1975 Novel Prize 1974 Born to the big screen with the same title.

Dead . Mexico . Joaquín Mortiz, 1977 The scandal Narra Poquianchis happened in a brothel in San Francisco del Rincón, in the fifties and early sixties .

Two crimes. Mexico : Joaquin Mortiz, 1979.

The conspirators . Barcelona : Argos Vergara, 1981.

Steps Lopez. Mexico . Ocean features the adventures of 1982 the Mexican insurgents , heroes of independence. The characters are fictional, though one is loosely based on historical figures , such as the priest Miguel Hidalgo.
This book is the Mexican edition of the conspirators .

Daniela Ruby Castro Valadez

Stephenie Meyer


Stephenie Meyer ( his birth name is Stephenie Morgan ) was born in Connecticut on December 24 , 1973, the daughter of Stephen and Candy Morgan. His family moved to Phoenix (Arizona ) when she was four, there grew up with five siblings : Seth , Emily , Jacob , Paul, and Heidi .

Their particular name ( instead of Stephenie Stephanie ) comes from the name of his father , whose name was Stephen and decided to add the letters “ie” to make it a girl’s name .

Meyer attended Chaparral High School in Scottsdale, Arizona. During the time I studied there, he was awarded the National Prize for School Merit , which he used to pay his admission to Brigham Young University in Utah, where he received his BA in English in 1997. She and her family belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from many years ago. Stephenie has indicated that it is very puritanical about their beliefs so do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.

Stephenie did not have any experience as a writer before Twilight , so I had thought of enrolling in a career in law , because he felt he had no chance of becoming a writer . Later with the birth of his first son, Gabe , changed his mind : “ Once I had Gabe , I just wanted to be his mom. “
Before becoming a writer , Meyer worked as a receptionist in a property company . Stephenie ‘s style is very descriptive and is based on the domain of the dialogues.

Stephenie Meyer was chosen as one of the most promising authors of the 2005 Publisher ‘s Weekly.

Why is my favorite author ? ..
It is one of my favorite authors because I like his writing novels , being the twilight saga of my favorites .

Twilight Saga
Twilight , 2005
New Moon 2006

Eclipse, 2007
Breaking Dawn Part 1 , 2008)
Breaking Dawn Part 2 , 2012)

Other works related to the saga
The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner, 2010
The Twilight Saga : The Official Illustrated Guide, 2011
Midnight Sun. Not officially published.

other works

The host, 2008
Prom Nights from Hell,  2007 , short story called Hell on Earth

Amairani Juarez Arreola.

He was born when his family lived in Henley Street Stratford ; not know the exact day , because then only the record of the baptism was done on 26 April in this case , so presumably born a few days before and not more than a week , as was the current; tradition has been setting his birth date as April 23 , the feast of St. George , perhaps by analogy with the day of his death , another April 23 in 1616 , but this dating is not supported by any document.

Shakespeare 's father , who was at the height of its prosperity when William was born , soon fell out of favor . Accused of illegal trade in wool, lost its leading position in the municipal government . It has also been suggested that perhaps played a role in processing a possible affinity with the Catholic faith on both sides of the family.

The November 28, 1582 , when he was 18 years old , Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway , 26 , a native of Temple Grafton , near Stratford town . Two neighbors of Anne , Fulk Sandalls and John Richardson, testified that there were no impediments to the ceremony. Apparently there was a hurry to arrange the wedding, maybe because Anne was three months pregnant . After their marriage , just no traces of William Shakespeare in the historical record until he makes his appearance on the London stage . The May 26, 1583 , the eldest daughter of the couple, Susanna , was baptized in Stratford. A son, Hamnet , and a daughter, Judith , born twins, were also baptized shortly after the February 2, 1585 ; Hamnet died at the age of eleven , and only reached adulthood daughters. Judging by the will of the playwright, who is somewhat dismissive sample with Anne Hathaway , the marriage was not well-matched .

Most recognized works and the approximate date of its creation .
Titus Andronicus ( 1592 )
Romeo and Juliet ( 1595 )
Julius Caesar ( 1599 )
Hamlet ( 1601 )
Troilus and Cressida ( 1602 )
Othello (1603-1604)
King Lear (1605-1606)
Macbeth ( 1606 )
Antony and Cleopatra ( 1606 )
Coriolanus ( 1608 )
Timon of Athens ( date unknown )
Edward III (The Reign of King Edward III , composed between 1590 and 1594 , published (anonymously ) in 1596 ) .
Henry VI
Part One (The First Part of King Henry the Sixth , . Composed around 1594 His first known edition is the First Folio. )
Part II (The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth , . Composed around 1594 His first known edition is the First Folio. )
Part III (The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth , . Composed around 1594 His first known edition is the First Folio. )
Richard III (The Tragedy of King Richard the Third , made ​​around 1594 , published in 1597).
Richard II (The Tragedy of King Richard the Second , composed around 1595 , published in 1597).
Henry IV
Part (Henry IV , Part 1, composed around 1596 , published in 1597 or 1598 )
Part (Henry IV , Part 2 , composed around 1597 , published in 1600)
Henry V (Henry V , composed around 1597 to 1599 , the first edition known is that of the First Folio ) .
King John (The Life and Death of King John , . Probably composed around 1597 , since no details of its representation in 1598 His first known edition is the First Folio ) .
Henry VIII (The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth , composed in 1613 , the first edition known is that of the First Folio ) .

Why I like this author? 

Because his works speak of cases that are now seen in the n the news. Besides giving him drama and sadness to his novels which gives us a new perspective on the novels that have good endings. 
It's intriguing to know which is the end of the drama.