Sunday, June 15, 2014

Daniela Ruby Castro Valadez Inusual sports.

Daniela Ruby Castro Valadez 

Inusual sports.

Buzkashi, rules and variations, Association kazakhstan, Ban in Afghanistan, Kav Kaz, popular culture

Buzkashi Kokpar is the sport of Central Asia played among the Kazakhs, Afghans, Uzbeks, hazaras, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and the Pashtuns. The Turkish name of the game is Kkbr; KK = "blue", br = "Wolf", denoting the Grey Wolf - the sacred symbol of the Turkic peoples. Other Turkish names of the game are Ulak tartish, Kuk Pari, Kk Ber and Ulak Tyrtysh. In the West, the game is also played by Kyrgyzstan Turks who migrated to Ulupamir village in the District of Turkey in the region of Pamir.

Buzkashi is often compared with the pole. Both matches are played between people horse, both involve promoting an object toward a goal, and both get pretty dangerous. However, the pole is playing with a ball, and buzkashi is played with a headless goat carcass. Polo matches are played for a period determined by a total of about an hour; Traditional Buzkashi may continue for days, but in its more regulated tournament also has a limited game time. In the West of China, there is not only riding Buzkashi, but also yak Buzkashi among the Tajiks of Xinjiang.

Rules and variations
The competition is fierce. Before the establishment of the official rules of the Afghan Olympic Federation sports took place mainly on the basis of standards as the not beat a companion rider intentionally or deliberately making you lose your horse. Riders usually wear clothes thick and protective headgear to protect themselves from the whips and boots from other players. Boots usually have heels that block to the saddle of the horse to help the driver leaning on the side of the horse to try to pick the goat.Games can last for several days, and the winning team receives a prize, not necessarily money, as a reward for his victory. The best players, like Aziz Ahmad, often sponsored by rich Afghans.

Rules introduced by the Afghan Olympic Federation
· The plant has a square design with each side 400 meters long.
· Each team consists of 10 riders each.
· Only five riders from each team can play in a medium.
· The total duration of each medium is 45 minutes} +.
· There is only a break of 15 minutes between the two halves.
· The game is overseen by an arbitrator.
· Based on the decision of the arbitrator, a pilot can be replaced during the game.

Kazakhstan Kokpar rules were officially for the first time defined and regulated in 1949 - starting 1958 Kokpar is held at racetracks.The size of a field Kokpar depends on a number of participants. Kokpar rules have undergone several changes throughout history. Modernization of Kokpar standards are:

· There are two teams with 10 participants at each
· Only 4 players on a team are allowed to play in a field at a given time
· Teams are allowed to replace players or their horses
· The game is played on a field of 200 meters long and 80 meters wide
· Two Kazans - large goals with a diameter of 3.6 meters and 1.5 meters high are placed on opposite sides of a field
· A goal is marked whenever a Kokpar is placed in kazan of an opponent.
· To Kokpar is the center of the field after scoring a goal

It is also forbidden to travel to viewers or spectators assistance or to start a game of Kokpar without giving an oath just play.

A player of Buzkashi or Kokpar is called Chapandaz or Shabandoz in Kazakhstan. It is thought mainly in Afghanistan which skilful Chapandaz tends to be about forty years. This is based on the fact that the nature of the game requires the player to undergo severe physical practice and observation. In the same way the horses used in Buzkashi also undergo a severe training and attention.

The game consists of two main forms: Tudabarai and Qarajai. Tudabarai is considered to be the simplest form of the game. In this version, the aim is simply to take the goat and move in any direction until it is clear of other players. In Qarajai, players must carry the carcass around a flag or marker at one end of the field, then throw it into a circle of scoring at the other end.Runners will carry a whip, often in the teeth, to fend off opposing riders and horses.

The calf in a game Buzkashi normally beheaded and gutted and have their limbs cut off by the knees. It is soaked then in cold water for 24 hours before playing to harden it. Occasionally sand is packed in the corpse to give you extra weight. Players may not the calf strap to their bodies or saddles. Although a goat is used when there is no calf is available, less likely that they disintegrate during the play of a calf.

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